Finishing Options for Patio Walls    Print this Document

finishing Patio wall

Finishing Options for Patio Walls

Download (.pdf) How-To Sheet #160

Allan Block offers a great variety of finishing options for your patio wall. Choose a style that fits the landscape.

Ending Walls/Step Downs

The AB Courtyard Collection is designed to let you easily step down or end the walls in a number of ways. Here are four popular examples:

Option 1: Use Corner Blocks to End the Wall

Step 1:

Place Corner Blocks as the last block so that the blocks step back on each course to give the wall a finished look.

Step 2:

Secure the Wall Caps in place with a bead of flexible concrete adhesive along both sides of the raised rings and along the side of each Wall Cap.

Using Corner Blocks to End Wall

Use Corner Blocks to end the wall

Glue Wall Caps

Glue Wall Caps in place

Patio Wall Step Down with Corner

Step Down with Corner

Option 2: Use Extra Wall Caps to End the Wall

This option requires cutting a Wall Cap to fill a gap on each course. More information on how to modify blocks.

Step 1:

Place blocks on each course to end the wall in the look you want. The larger the space between courses, the longer the staggered look will be.

Step 2:

Place Wall Caps on the panel with the Wall Cap even with the course below. This will leave a gap where a Wall Cap will need to be measured and cut to fit. See How-to sheet #210: Modifying Blocks for information on splitting and cutting blocks.

Step 3:

Once the cut blocks are installed, place another Wall Cap where the course steps down to give the end a finished look.

Step 4:

Secure the Wall Caps in place with a bead of flexible concrete adhesive along both sides of the raised rings and along the side of each Wall Cap.

Build the Wall with the Desired Step Spacing

Place blocks to end wall
where desired

Layout the Wall Caps

Measure and mark wall caps

Insert the Cut Wall Cap

Line up wall caps with end of each
course. Fill gap with cut Wall Cap.

Add Extra Wall Caps for the Finished Look

Step Down with Caps

Option 3: Use Corner Blocks for a Gradual Step Down

This option may require cutting a Wall Cap to fill a gap on each course. More information on how to modify blocks.

Step 1:

Place blocks on each course to end the wall in the look you want. The larger the space between courses, the longer the staggered look will be.

Step 2:

Place Wall Caps on the panel with the cap tight against the Corner Block that is ending the course above.

Step 3:

If the gap at the end of the wall is not the look you desire, slide the entire course of caps to the end of the wall, measure the gap and cut a Wall Cap to fit. See Option 2 for more information. See How-to sheet #210: Modifying Blocks for information on splitting and cutting blocks.

Step 4:

Secure the Wall Caps in place with a bead of flexible concrete adhesive along both sides of the raised rings and along the side of each Wall Cap.

Build the Wall with the Desired Step Spacing

Place blocks to end wall where desired

Add the Wall Caps

Place Wall Cap against Corner Block

Patio Wall Step Down with Caps & Corners

Step Down with Caps & Corners

Option 4: Ending Wall at a Post/Pillar

End the wall panel at a post/pillar for a dramatic effect. Cut blocks will be used on every course where the wall panel meets up with the post/pillar. More information on how to modify blocks.

Step 1:

The blocks that will meet up with the post/pillar will need to be cut blocks. Layout the wall panel leaving a 6 in. (150 mm) space to allow for the cut block. Our example here uses an AB Dublin 1/2 length and 1/4 length block, alternating every course.

Step 2:

Place the cut block at the end of the wall panel. Next, layout the post/pillar by placing 4 Corner Blocks with their long sides facing.

Step 3:

Install the next course of wall panel, ending again with a cut block where it meets up with the post/pillar.

Step 4:

Stack another course of Corner Blocks, alternating the pattern to offset the seams from the course below. Do not stack the blocks up in stacked bond (seams should not create a straight line the full height of the post/pillar). See How-to sheet #220: Building a Post for more information on building posts/pillars.

Step 5:

Continue stacking in this process until the height of post/pillar and wall are achieved. Finish with Wall Caps and Post Caps.

Step 6:

Secure the Wall Caps in place with a bead of flexible concrete adhesive along both sides of the raised rings and along the side of each Wall Cap. Place adhesive on the outside edge of the Corner Blocks to secure the Post Caps.

See more detailed information on how to build walls and posts.

Build the Wall and Mark the Desired Post/Pillar Location

Mark out the location of the post
to leave space for a cut block

Build the Post/Pillar

Place cut block then build the post

Continue the Second Course

Build next course of post and
insert next cut block

Patio Wall End with Post

Finish Patio Walls with Posts